Changes in GPSBabel

Note that this table is often updated since the most recent release or even beta and may contain features not present all versions. Be sure to check dates and release numbers if there is any doubt.

User visible changes in GPSBabel

Date Version Feature
2003-11-19 1.2.0 GPSBabel 1.2.0 released!
2003-10-29 Robert Lipe adds support for Magellan Mystic, SporTrak Topo and MobileMapper.
2003-10-23 Mark Bradley adds psitrex support.
2003-10-20 1.1.1-beta10082003 Mark Bradley adds track and route handling to Mapsource.
2003-09-30 Rick Richardson adds tabsep format.
2003-09-26 Ron Parker adds DeLorme route reading via the saroute format.
2003-09-22 Robert Lipe adds Navicache support.
2003-08-26 Ron Parker adds Delorme route reading.
2003-08-12 Alex Mottram contributes Mapoplis Mapconverter output.
2003-07-20 Ron Parker adds polygon and arc filters.
2003-07-28 Ian Mahuron improves Garmin geocache icon mappings.
2003-07-11 Robert Lipe adds centicsecond support to Mapsend and Magellan receiver tracklogs.
2003-07-10 Robert Lipe and Bruce Thompson add GPilotS support.
2003-06-30 Bruce Thompson adds Quovadis support.
2003-05-17 Rick Richardson adds icon for loc and
2003-05-14 Added EasyGPS binary format based on info from Eric Cloninger.
2003-04-28 Alex Mottram adds radius position filter.
2003-04-17 Misc Garmin serial fixes.
2003-04-10 Add support for Magellan XXX.
2003-04-09 Paul Tomblin contribute copilot support.
2003-04-04 Alex Mottram contributes position filter filter.
2003-03-31 Added urlbase option to xsv formats. Several minor fixes to xcsv.
2003-03-31 Alex Mottram contributes route handling for GPX, Magellan Serial, Magellan SD, and Mapsend.
2003-03-13 Alex Mottram adds track handling to GPX.
2003-03-02 1.1.1-beta03022003 GPSBabel 1.1.1-beta03022003 released.
2003-03-01 Compile-in XCSV style sheets so they show up in help, etc. Replaces many explicitly coded CSV modules. Improves Streets & Trips integration greatly.
2003-02-27 Make XML time handle non-Zulu timestamps. Handle new 'exported' tag in GPX. From Ron Parker.
2003-02-20 For PCX, we now lookup mapsource icon names from mapsource. Add deficon command line flag for PCX.
2003-02-11 Stability improvement; leak less memory. From Ron Parker.
2003-02-07 Addded code for Magellan protocol to display Microcaches specially when pulling from data files that contain that information. Added a new 'deficon' option so user can provide their own.
2003-01-29 Add new option scheme so that they show up in help.
2003-01-28 Alex Mottram contributes filtering infrastructure and filters for suppressing duplicates based on proximity or name similarity.
2003-01-21 Addded Geocaching DB.
2003-01-21 Added icon mapping to Mapsend, GPX, and GPSDrive.
2003-01-20 Added code that makes '-s' output guarantee unique shortname.
2003-01-17 1.1.1-beta01172003 GPSBabel 1.1.1-beta01172003 released.
2003-01-10 Robert Lipe adds Garmin Mapsource .mps file format based on information from Ian Cowley.
2003-01-08 Alex Mottram rewrites all XSV modules to allow styles, addsDelorme XMapHandHeld Street Atlas USA, and Microsoft Streets and Trips 2003
2003-01-07 Various Magellan fixes for serial robustness, esp. on Windows. Correctly parse coords from track messages.
2002-12-31 GPX now preserves unknown tags on output (allowing merging of files from and encodes entities on output. Preserve URLs in GPX. Ron Parker and Alex Mottram and myself .
2002-12-31 Garmin improvements: Don't lock up a GPS V when sending more than a few hundred waypoints. Track unknown altitude on units like the GPS12 that don't store that information.
2002-12-11 When writing "loc" format, more faithfully mimic the pseudo-XML so that GeoBuddy can cope with our output.
2002-12-09 1.1.0 GPSBabel 1.1.0 released.
2002-12-05 Ron Parker adds support for Cetus 1.1b18.
2002-12-03 Josh McKee contributes a Win32 graphical front end.
2002-12-03 Alan Curry contributes support for GpsDrive.
2002-11-20 Add track log support for Garmin.
2002-11-17 Add support for Magellan Sportrak.
2002-11-13 Garmin D109 support for newer GPS V firmware. Add 20 point waypoint names for V.
2002-11-06 Nick Heaphy adds TopoMapPro support.
2002-10-17 Ron Parker adds GPSPilot support.
2002-10-17 Ron Parker adds Magellan Navigator support.
2002-10-16 Recognize Groundspeak Geocaching GPX extensions. Allows protocols to customize icons by cache type, etc. Fix magellan serial under Windows.
2002-10-15 Start sketching in (incomplete) route and track code.
2002-10-10 Alex Mottram adds National Geographic Topo! format..
2002-10-10 Fix bug in Palm/OS formats under Win 2K.
2002-10-06 Fix GPX and GEO parsers that caused waypoint corruption.
2002-10-05 Delorme TopoUSA/XMap conduit added.
2002-10-02 1.0.0 GPSBabel 1.0.0 released.
2002-10-01 Tim Zickus contributes Navitrak DNA marker format.
2002-09-18 Alex Mottram added Ozi Explorer support.
2002-09-17 Add support for Garmin serial protocol.   Tested with Vista.
2002-09-17 Jochen Becker adds Holux GM-100 format.
2002-09-13 Alex Mottram added Maptech .MXF format.
2002-09-08 Add '-s' flag so program can "guess" waypoint names. Especially handy for geocaching when you want a cache to have a real name and not a GC number.
2002-09-02 Alex Mottram adds PocketStreets 2002 Pushpin file support.
2002-09-01 Add ability to read and write files for flash cards in Magellan Meridian product family.
2002-09-01 Preliminary Magellan Navigator PDA support added. Help from Ron Parker.
2002-09-01 Cetus support added. Help from Ron Parker and Kjeld Jensen.
2002-09-01 GPSPilot support added. Help from Ron Parker.
2002-08-15 Add a port to Microsoft Windows via the mingw system.
2002-08-05 0.8.1 initial version placed on SourceForge.