Following is a list of the valid values for the
garmin deficon
These values are also used internally by the
PCX, and
ATV | Contact, Glasses | Hunting Area | Number 0, Green | Scales |
Airport | Contact, Goatee | Ice Skating | Number 0, Red | Scenic Area |
Amusement Park | Contact, Kung-Fu | Information | Number 1, Blue | School |
Anchor | Contact, Panda | Intersection | Number 1, Green | Seafood |
Anchor Prohibited | Contact, Pig | Intl freeway hwy | Number 1, Red | Seaplane Base |
Animal Tracks | Contact, Pirate | Intl national hwy | Number 2, Blue | Shipwreck |
Asian Food | Contact, Ranger | Italian food | Number 2, Green | Shopping Center |
Bait and Tackle | Contact, Smiley | Large Ramp intersection | Number 2, Red | Short Tower |
Ball Park | Contact, Spike | Large exit without services | Number 3, Blue | Shower |
Bank | Contact, Sumo | Letter A, Blue | Number 3, Green | Ski Resort |
Bar | Controlled Area | Letter A, Green | Number 3, Red | Skiing Area |
Beach | Convenience Store | Letter A, Red | Number 4, Blue | Skull and Crossbones |
Beacon | Cover | Letter B, Blue | Number 4, Green | Small City |
Bell | Covey | Letter B, Green | Number 4, Red | Small Game |
Big Game | Crossing | Letter B, Red | Number 5, Blue | Soft Field |
Bike Trail | Dam | Letter C, Blue | Number 5, Green | Square, Blue |
Blind | Danger Area | Letter C, Green | Number 5, Red | Square, Green |
Block, Blue | Deli | Letter C, Red | Number 6, Blue | Square, Red |
Block, Green | Department Store | Letter D, Blue | Number 6, Green | Stadium |
Block, Red | Diamond, Blue | Letter D, Green | Number 6, Red | State Hwy |
Blood Trail | Diamond, Green | Letter D, Red | Number 7, Blue | Steak |
Boat Ramp | Diamond, Red | Letterbox Cache | Number 7, Green | Street Intersection |
Border Crossing (Port Of Entry) | Diver Down Flag 1 | Levee | Number 7, Red | Stump |
Bottom Conditions | Diver Down Flag 2 | Library | Number 8, Blue | Summit |
Bowling | Dock | Light | Number 8, Green | Swimming Area |
Bridge | Dot, White | Live Theater | Number 8, Red | TACAN |
Building | Drinking Water | Localizer Outer Marker | Number 9, Blue | Tall Tower |
Buoy, White | Dropoff | Locationless (Reverse) Cache | Number 9, Green | Telephone |
Campground | Elevation point | Lodge | Number 9, Red | Tide/Current PRediction Station |
Car | Event Cache | Lodging | Oil Field | Toll Booth |
Car Rental | Exit | Man Overboard | Open 24 Hours | TracBack Point |
Car Repair | Exit without services | Marina | Oval, Blue | Trail Head |
Cemetery | Fast Food | Medical Facility | Oval, Green | Tree Stand |
Church | First approach fix | Micro-Cache | Oval, Red | Treed Quarry |
Circle with X | Fishing Area | Mile Marker | Parachute Area | Triangle, Blue |
Circle, Blue | Fishing Hot Spot Facility | Military | Park | Triangle, Green |
Circle, Green | Fitness Center | Mine | Parking Area | Triangle, Red |
Circle, Red | Flag | Missed approach point | Pharmacy | Truck |
City (Capitol) | Flag, Blue | Movie Theater | Picnic Area | Truck Stop |
City (Large) | Flag, Green | Multi-Cache | Pin, Blue | Tunnel |
City (Medium) | Flag, Red | Multi-Cache | Pin, Green | U Marina |
City (Small) | Food Source | Museum | Pin, Red | U stump |
City Hall | Forest | Navaid, Amber | Pizza | US hwy |
Civil | Furbearer | Navaid, Black | Police Station | Ultralight Area |
Coast Guard | Gambling/casino | Navaid, Blue | Post Office | Unknown Cache |
Contact, Afro | Gas Station | Navaid, Green | Post Office | Upland Game |
Contact, Alien | Geocache | Navaid, Green/Red | Private Field | VHF Omni-range |
Contact, Ball Cap | Geocache Found | Navaid, Green/White | Puzzle Cache | VOR-DME |
Contact, Big Ears | Geographic place name, Man-made | Navaid, Orange | RV Park | VOR/TACAN |
Contact, Biker | Geographic place name, land | Navaid, Red | Radio Beacon | Virtual cache |
Contact, Blonde | Geographic place name, water | Navaid, Red/Green | Ramp intersection | Water Hydrant |
Contact, Bug | Ghost Town | Navaid, Red/White | Rectangle, Blue | Water Source |
Contact, Cat | Glider Area | Navaid, Violet | Rectangle, Green | Waterfowl |
Contact, Clown | Golf Course | Navaid, White | Rectangle, Red | Waypoint |
Contact, Dog | Ground Transportation | Navaid, White/Green | Reef | Webcam Cache |
Contact, Dreadlocks | Heliport | Navaid, White/Red | Residence | Weed Bed |
Contact, Female1 | Horn | Non-directional beacon | Restaurant | Winery |
Contact, Female2 | Hotel | Null | Restricted Area | Wrecker |
Contact, Female3 | House | Number 0, Blue | Restroom | Zoo |