This format can...
read and write tracks
This format is derived from the xcsv format, so it has all of the same options as that format.
Input format for Garmin G1000 integrated avionics system datalog generated by G1000 system software version 563.20 or later. This datalog is automatically generated and stored to a standard SD card if one is inserted in the *upper* SD card slot on the G1000's MFD (right-hand display on 2-screen installations, center display on 3-screen installations).
Supports conversion of GPS track (including timestamp) and barometric altitude data to any of GPSBabel's output formats. Does not include support for G1000 stored flight plan (.fpl) route files or user waypoints. Tested on datalogs from Cessna 182T and Turbo 182T, but it should accommodate G1000 datalogs from other airframes as well. If any conversion failures or errors occur, check datalog csv file for incomplete or corrupted records/rows, delete those records/rows from the datalog file and reattempt.