This format can...
read and write waypoints
read and write tracks
read and write routes
This format has the following options: datum, grid, utc, format, filename, fields, codec .
Unicsv examines the first line of a file to determine the field order and field separator in that file. On write, it tries to figure out what data it has and writes headers and all the data it can.
If the first line contains any tabs, the data lines are assumed to be tab separated. Otherwise the fields are assumed to be separated by commas.
The list of keywords include:
alt = Elevation (in meters) of the point. Add "ft" or "feet" for feet. arch = Geocache archived flag avail = Geocache available flag bng_e = British National Grid's easting bng = full coordinate in BNG format (zone easting northing) bng_pos = full coordinate in BNG format (zone easting northing) bng_n = British National Grid's northing bng_z = British National Grid's zone caden = Cadence comment = Notes cont = Geocache container cour = Heading / Course true date = Date (yyyy/mm/dd) depth = Depth (in meters). Add "ft" or "feet" for feet. desc = Description diff = Geocache difficulty ele = Elevation (in meters) of the point. Add "ft" or "feet" for feet. e/w = 'e' for eastern hemisphere, 'w' for western exported = Geocache export date found = Geocache last found date fix = 3d, 2d, etc. gcid = Geocache cache id geschw = Geschwindigkeit (speed) hdop = Horizontal dilution of precision head = Heading / Course true heart = Heartrate height = Elevation (in meters) of the point hint = Geocache cache hint icon = Symbol (icon) name lat = Latitude lon = Longitude name = Waypoint name ("Shortname") n/s = 'n' for northern hemisphere, 's' for southern notes = Notes pdop = Position dilution of precision placer = Geocache placer placer_id =Geocache placer id power = Cycling power (in Watts) prox = Proximity (in meters). Add "ft" or "feet" for feet. sat = Number of sats used for fix speed = Speed, in meters per second. (See below) symb = Symbol (icon) name tempf = Temperature (degrees Fahrenheit) temp = Temperature (degrees Celsius) terr = Geocache terrain time = Time (hh:mm:ss[.msec]) type = Geocache cache type url = URL utc_d = UTC date utc_t = UTC time utm_c = UTM zone character utm_e = UTM easting utm = full coordinate in UTM format (zone zone-ch easting northing) utm_pos = full coordinate in UTM format (zone zone-ch easting northing) utm_n = UTM northing utm_z = UTM zone vdop = Vertical dilution of precision x = Longitude x_pos = Longitude y = Latitude y_pos = Latitude z = Altitude (elevation). See "elevation".
We support some enhanced Garmin attributes. They are also available in gpx, gdb, garmin_gpi and partly garmin_txt. These entities are currently not visible in MapSource™ (6.12.4), but are NOT dropped when working with GDB (version 3) or GPX files.
Please note, that these do NOT provide a geocoding service; don't expect to "convert" a street address to a latitude and longitude.
addr = Street address city = City country = Country faci = Facility (not available in GPX) phone = Phone number post = Postal code state = State
Fuller spellings (i.e. "longitude") may be used. You can also use keywords with a whitespace instead of an underscore.
A typical file may be:
Name, Latitude, Longitude, Description GCEBB,35.972033,-87.134700,Mountain Bike Heaven by susy1313 GC1A37,36.090683,-86.679550,The Troll by a182pilot & Family
If processing data from the UK, GPSBabel can process coordinates using X,Y values (often referred to as Eastings/Northings) as shown in Example 3.42, “CSV input for UK data with XY coordinates” or the full 12 figure alpha numeric, as shown in Example 3.43, “CSV input for UK data with alphanumeric coordinates”. Note in Example 3.43, “CSV input for UK data with alphanumeric coordinates” you need to split your original X,Y values into the 100Km 2 character code, eastings and northing values.
Example 3.42. CSV input for UK data with XY coordinates
bng_e,bng_n,name,date 353729,177210,id_001,2018/02/03 356025,181221,id_002,2018/02/03 357962,181528,id_003,2018/03/03
Example 3.43. CSV input for UK data with alphanumeric coordinates
bng_z,bng_e,bng_n,name,date ST,53729,77210,id_001,2018/02/03 ST,56025,81221,id_002,2018/02/03 ST,57962,81528,id_003,2018/03/03
On the output side unicsv writes fixed number of columns (waypoint index, latitude and longitude) followed by a variable column list depending on internal data.
With at least ONE valid timestamp in data a unicsv output may look like that:
No,Name,Latitude,Longitude,Description,Date,Time 1,"GCEBB",35.972033,-87.134700,"Mountain Bike Heaven by susy1313",2003/06/29,09:00:00 2,"GC1A37",36.090683,-86.679550,"The Troll by a182pilot & Family",,
For speed, a units specifier can be added to override the default. Here are some values, but check parse_speed() in for the authoritative list.
m/s, mps: meters per second
km/h, kmh: kilometers per hour
kt, knots: knots
mph, mi/h, mih: miles per hour
GPS datum (def. WGS 84).
This option specifies the datum to be used on output. Valid values for this option are listed in Appendix A, Supported Datums.
Write position using this grid..
This value specifies the grid to be used on write. It is similar to the grid option of garmin_txt (see Table 3.1, “Grid values for garmin_txt”). The only difference is that unicsv does not write a degree sign (°) into the output file.
Without this option unicsv writes the coordinates as simple numbers like in the samples above.
Write timestamps with offset x to UTC time.
This option specifies the local time zone to use when writing times. It is specified as an offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) in hours. Valid values are from -23 to +23.
Write name(s) of format(s) from input session(s).
When this option is enabled, we generate an additional 'Format' column. The values of this column are filled with names of previous input formats.
Example 3.44. Example for unicsv format option to write names of input formats.
The next example ...
gpsbabel -i gpx -f file1.gpx -i gdb -f file2.gdb -o unicsv,format=y -F result.txt
... could produce following output:
No,Latitude,Longitude,Name,Description,Symbol,Date,Time,Format |
1,51.075139,12.463689,"578","578","Waypoint",2005/04/26,16:27:23,"gdb" |
2,51.081104,12.465277,"579","579","Waypoint",2005/04/26,16:27:23,"gdb" |
3,50.844126,12.408757,"Gosel","Gosel","Exit",2005/02/26,10:10:47,"gpx" |
4,50.654763,12.204957,"Greiz",,"Exit",2005/02/26,09:57:04,"gpx" |
Write filename(s) from input session(s).
When this option is enabled, we write an additional column called 'Filename'. The values of this column are filled with filenames of previous input formats.
This can be very helpful for locating specific waypoints (i.e. using the position filter) in more than one file.
Example 3.45. Example for unicsv filename option to write filenames of input formats.
The next example ...
gpsbabel -i gpx -f file1.gpx -i gdb -f file2.gdb -o unicsv,filename=1 -F result.txt
... could produce following output:
No,Latitude,Longitude,Name,Date,Time,Filename |
1,51.075139,12.463689,"578",2005/04/26,16:27:23,"reference/gdb-sample.gdb" |
2,51.081104,12.465277,"579",2005/04/26,16:27:23,"reference/gdb-sample.gdb" |
3,50.844126,12.408757,"580",2005/02/26,10:10:47,"reference/gdb-sample.gpx" |
4,50.654763,12.204957,"581",2005/02/26,09:57:04,"reference/gdb-sample.gpx" |
Name and order of input fields, separated by '+'.
This option lets you specify the field names of your input file from the command line instead of relying on the first line of your input file describing the file. Field names are separated by a '+' character. The list of field names is exactly that allowed in the first line of a unicsv file without this option.
Example 3.46. Example for unicsv fields option to describe input file.
For example ...
gpsbabel -i unicsv,fields=lat+lon+description -f file.csv -o gpx -F file.gpx
declares that file.csv has three fields, latitude, longitude,
and description, in that order.