This format can...
read waypoints
This format has the following options: aicicon, aioicon, ahcicon, ahoicon, snmac .
WFFF is the export format for Aspecto Software's WiFiFoFum 2.0 for Windows Mobile PCs.
It is a simple XML format that is read-only to GPSBabel and stores information about a WiFi stumbling session.
All WiFi-specific elements are written in the description field, similar to the netstumbler format.
Infrastructure closed icon name.
This option lets you specify an icon for infrastructure closed points.
Infrastructure open icon name.
This option lets you specify an icon for infrastructure open points.
Ad-hoc closed icon name.
This options lets you specify an icon for an Ad-hoc, closed, waypoint.
Ad-hoc open icon name.
This options lets you specify an icon for an Ad-hoc, open, waypoint.